Wednesday, December 9, 2009

EA wants to monetize pirates market?

Yes, pirates have reducing profit for game makers. Game makers have also combat this problem all the time. EA has a thought, rather than combating pirates, they can try to lure in pirates to purchase some of the product. How? The answer is by post release DLCs.
John Riccitiello, the head of Electronic Arts said," They can steal the disc, but they can't steal the DLC." He also added," There's a sizable pirate market and a sizable second sale market and we want to try to generate revenue in that marketplace."
His statement may have a valid point. But one should think carefully before going into this dangerous water. First of all, by doing that, publisher has an incentive to hold back a certain portion of the game, and treat it as a post release DLC. That means the one who buys a legal copy does not have full experience.
Secondly, I don't know how they are going to do this. Modded Xbox360 will get banned from Xbox LIVE, means that those pirates couldn't have access to DLC even if they want to buy one.

The only logical reason that this can be successfully implemented is by providing a FREE DLCs for those who buy a legitimate copy of the game. Pirates gets an incentive for buying a legal copy, the ones who aren't pirates can still enjoy the benefit.

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