Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII linearity, good thing?

So I was playing Final Fantasy XIII up to chapter 11, I was told by reviews that this Final Fantasy is quite linear until much later on. I found out that up until now it has been quite linear even though there was some section that lets you explore the open world.

Is Square taking a risk or simply responding the need to change RPG genre? I feel that Square realised how RPG change these days especially in western world. Take Fallout 3 for example: it combines the element of open world ala GTA and RPG which turns out to be very successful and enjoyable.

The feel of today Final Fantasy is completely different. Square Enix seems to leave traditional RPG formula with this FF. There is no town or shop to visit before visiting the dungeon. No need to farm monster and leveling up before tackling the next dungeon. Instead they are focusing to the story, pace and action. The combat is simplified but complex enough not to be boring. In the end, we see more of a hybrid RPG of Final Fantasy.

So is it a good thing? Many forums condemn Square for changing drastically with this FF, but maybe they have legitimate reason.
First of all, Square said that since it is the first FF on new generation console, it takes a bit more time to develop because they need to start from scratch. And it is hard and consume a lot of time to make towns, and 3D building structure in high definition, and it is the same reason that they didn't do FFVII remake.
With already years in development, Square might be forced to do it this way in order to save time and budget.
Secondly, even though it is quite linear, it will still give you a 40 hours of playing and that is without all the side missions and completing all the upgrades. 

Another plus thing, while FFXIII might not be appealing for hardcore traditional RPG gamers, it certainly easy on the new comers. They can be kept engaged without straying from the story too long by dictating the pace of its story. The battle is not tedious and intimidating like previous gambit system, the story is not as complicated as FFVII. Actually the story is quite simple, but it tends to be over stretched.

Finally all I think Square has taken a step into the right direction to make Final Fantasy more appealing with mass audiences. Only maybe next time they can add a bit more exploring so that we can get the sense of this big world and of course, improve the story.

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