Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rumor: Leaked list of E3 games includes LBP 2, Infamous 2, many more..

The picture was taken from Although it didn't indicated what source this list is, we do think it is possible. Some of the title we already knew that it is going to be in E3 like Gear of War 3, inFamous 2, Resistance 3, Killzone 3 and Dead Space 2. However couple games do raised our eyebrow.

Firstly Mass Effect 3 under Sony banner. True, Mass Effect series has been an exclusive for Xbox 360 after all this time, but Bioware and EA is still a third party, and from the looks of it, it will be coming to Sony. After all Final Fantasy XIII did come to Xbox 360 last time.

Secondly God of War 3: Afterfall could well be a DLC. Those who are not very fond of GOW 3's ending will be pleased to know that there is further twist to the story.

Thirdly is Bad Company 3. Wow, EA sure in a hurry. They just release Bad Company 2 not too long ago. Nevertheless we won't mind if given a preview of the third series, won't we?

Call of Duty: MMO. Really? Actually it is a brave move by Activision to make an MMO based of Call of Duty games. We'll see if this is any good.

Project Xfree should be a game for Project Natal. Since Natal doesn't require any controller, 'free' is appropriate word for it. Though I was expecting some party games that require motion controller from Sony. Oh well.. I'm quite excited for this year E3. Please take it with grain of salt. After all it is still a rumor. Very convincing rumor indeed..

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  1. I guess I was expecting CoD MMO, But Bad Company 3? Now you're talking.

  2. Yes, but this is just a rumor. So who knows..

  3. Yeah, it was really suspicious the first time I saw it, now I'm sure it's fake.
