Monday, September 7, 2009

Imported PS3 Slim is available in Mangga Dua Jakarta now!

Yesterday I went to Mangga dua to fix my broken Xbox 360 (again..). I noticed every store has PS3 slim stocks. So I go around and ask for the price. The price is range from Rp 3.700.000,- to Rp 3.900.000,- but I do think you can still negotiate a bit.
I ask the store to unwrap the box so I can take a look. Personally I prefer old PS3 material, but the size is perfect. Should you want to get one, I suggest you get one right now, cause next week import shipment will stop due to Lebaran coming soon.

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  1. boz ada alamat tokonya gak.
    Pengen beli ni

  2. tel aja ps enterprise 62300767. lupa add nya dimana. pokoknya di mangga dua yg lama, turun satu lantai kalau lewat jembatan.

  3. thx boz. jumat mo meluncur ke sana. katanya di lt 2.

  4. hi dear manager.
    pls say your details address:
