Tuesday, September 29, 2009

News Updates for Modern Warfare2

Recently Infinity Ward Community Manager, Robert Bowling held 2 hours section in Tweeter by answering all question thrown at him by fans,

I am going to conclude all the facts I was able to gather in that 2 hours with Bowling

1) The Special OPs could be as long or even longer than the Single Player (if you go for all the stars)

2) There are 69 Stars in CO OP to be collected. Each Mission will give you 3 stars plus 1 star if you beating it on regular, 2 stars in hardened, 3 stars in Veterans

3) The reason the rise the level cap from 55 to 70 because this time around there are more weapons, perks, call signs, etc to unlock. Therefore they need to rise the level cap.

4) There are some goodies to be unlock if you go prestige. It has not been revealed yet.

5) There are 23 missions in CO OP with these following game types:
Assault - Send you to run the levels killing bad guys while avoiding Civilian
Stealth - Where you and your buddy need to sneak past the enemy
Wave Defense - Where you going to defend against wave and wave of enemies. (just like the Horde mode in Gears of war 2)
Elimination - Send you down to kill all enemy on that level. Enemy can spawn with a limited number of times
Snowmobile racing - very straight forward. just Finish first and you WIN!
Snowmobile Combat - Race against and shoot your friend.
AC 130 - One of you become a gunner in AC-130, while the other become a soldier on the ground calling death from above.

There is no region selection in MW2 Multiplayer. But they have installed a new system in Match Making system that will help reduce the lags. But if the international still having problem with LAG, They will consider to patch MW2 so we can choose which region when we play. In the mean time they would like to see if their new Match Making auto assist working or not.

7)It is possible to shoot down enemy helicopter while you are in AC-130. Since AC 130 will be Flying much higher then a chopper ever could, enemy helicopter will an easy target for you to shoot down... YEAH!

There are more question answer by bowling but, I don't think it worth mentioning here.
I will up date again if there are some new and interesting stuff to show in this blog in the future.

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