Microsoft announced Project Natal during E3 show. Project Natal enable user to manipulate game without the use of controller. It uses camera that can detect body movement, facial recognition, which in turn use it to control the games. With Natal, Microsoft hope to gain some casual gamer market from Nintendo Wii.
Casual gamer market simply cannot be underestimate. Since Wii launched, Nintendo has always been no 1 spot in terms of console sale.
Part of Nintendo plan was to create a controller that does not intimidate first time gamer.
Nintendo did it by creating a controller that is simple to use by moving it and it doesn't have a lot of buttons. And it resembles a remote tv, a device that is common to every household.
Now, with project Natal, Microsoft intends to follow Nintendo's step. By creating a simple controller, (what could be simpler than no controller?), it reduces one of entry barrier for casual market.
Now the real question is, can Natal deliver? Is it going to become a revolutionary or just a gimmick?
There is a lot of issue. Microsoft will need to create great software to show what Natal can do before other developers will follow.
Not only that, how is Microsoft going to integrate Xbox and Natal. For example: 2 people playing Modern Warfare 2. One is using controller, the other is using Natal. How do you balance the game? And the one using Natal, can they last couple hours of constant body movement?
And the price. Natal is using high end camera, that is estimated will cost $600 dollar each. Even if Microsoft dare to take a loss and sell it at $200 a camera. Casual gamers will find it too expensive to shell out a total of $500 just to experience casual gaming. Especially since there are lots of competition, ie: Nintendo Wii, Facebook games (which did pretty alright for casual gamer).
Will Microsoft succeed? Only time will tell.
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