Friday, August 6, 2010

Smart EA lets you play a semi NBA Jam with purchase of NBA Live 11

Good news, NBA Jam, a resurrection of a classic will be coming to PS3 and Xbox 360. The bad news is, it won't be a complete retail game or a downloadable one.  To play NBA Jam, you can simply buy NBA Live 11 where you can obtain a code to redeem the game. So this is actually a good thing right? Hold on a moment, the NBA Jam that is offered in PS3 and Xbox 360 is not the complete version. The complete version is still the Wii's.

When asked to EA why they did such thing, they responded that they feel by doing this, people will be forced tempted to try NBA Live 11 and see what kind of change do they made with the new series. Not bad EA, actually it is quite a smart move. NBA Jam cost nothing on PS3 and Xbox 360 because the development cost is covered while doing the Wii's version. By limiting the game from its full version, Wii's can maintain superiority over the PS3's and Xbox 360's. Not to mention forcing NBA Jam lovers to try NBA Live 11.

Bravo EA, not bad. Though I still think its a cheap move, but again.. bravo!!

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