Monday, July 26, 2010

Call of Duty 7 details slammed by Military fans

I can't help but to share some fun article from PSM August. Those guys from Treyach seems to get it wrong. A website called Off Duty Gamers slammed recent release picture of operative that show his tattoo on his left arm, and said:
"Would you really want a tattoo that shows your unit patch or country affiliation if you're behind enemy lines taking part in a so called 'black' operation? It's pure hollywood."
 A member of the U.S. 82nd Airborne also told ODG:
"Tattoos identifying you as American disqualified you for operations in denied areas where you and your kit were to be 'sterile'. This meant you wouldn't be identifiable as a U.S. soldier; exactly the kind of operations SOG took part in."

It seems that a lot people care about consistency. especially fans who have military information or background. Now remove that tattoo please!!

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  1. LOL! This is quite interesting, but I think it's the model designer's fault. He/She probably thought it looks cool this way.

    Oh, and "Street Fighter x Tekken & Tekken x Street Fighter", big news.

  2. Yes, I wonder why they didn't make SF & Tekken fighting game ages ago. Well better late than never I guess..
