Monday, April 12, 2010

Crysis 2 writer sums up Modern Warfare 2 perfectly

Crysis 2 writer Richard Morgan has a say about Modern Warfare 2. Although it is a big hit, the writer feels that it is a "immense dissapointment". Quote from Joystiq:

 "It was a massive stepdown from CoD4. What I thought when I played it was, 'Jesus guys, what have you been doing? You've not ramped anything up. The story is worse and the game doesn't really hang together, it's just a bunch of mission levels. It made no sense. It was totally implausible. It doesn't resolve... I just think they were way too impressed with themselves and that's always a danger. It's just unfortunate."

I couldn't agree more with the comment. From the single player perspective Modern Warfare 2 didn't take any risk in relation to the story. They basically take the old formula which is already stale and put it into the sequel. I remember that my jaw drop when I learn that the hero was killed in CoD 4. And it was so memorable during the last stage when Capt Price throw the gun and let me kill the rest of the baddies.

So when jumping into Modern Warfare 2, everything is so predictable. Capt Price not dead? Check. Our controlled character dead? Check. Actually they did it twice! Fighting the bad guy in the end with slow motion? Check. Plus the story is twisted and twisted, in the end I don't know who's who and what the hell are we fighting against.

In term of story, I really disappointed with Modern Warfare 2. In terms of multiplayer gameplay, yes it is still solid but it really didn't tinker with the formula. The point is, like Richard Morgad said, Activision is way too impressed with themselves and it is always a danger.
Take a look at Battlefield: Bad Company 2. It really fix what's wrong with the first sequel. More teamwork, and the gameplay is more exciting than MW2. My point is Modern Warfare 3 has to change in terms of story and multiplayer perspective, Activision should keep their feet on the ground, don't just rush CoD every year and milk it. They have to improve it because others have catch up.

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  1. and it's also extremely short (only 6 hrs)...

    but it doesn't matter. The policy here is to "make a hype and everyone buys it no matter how stupid it is."

    It seems that most publishers are in love with this method (Nintendo with "Revolution",Microsoft with Natal, Activision with MW, etc. etc.).......

    Sony is right now one of the few publishers that delivers what it promises, and that's why I prefer it over other publishers...

  2. Yes it is also because they milk it into releasing every two years and it kills creativity.
