Friday, April 9, 2010

News & Update, 9th April

- Call of Duty 7: Black Ops are set during World War 2 and present day. It could be during the cold war and vietnam war. Zombie mode will also return.

- Polyphony say that Gran Turismo 5 could possibly implement Playstation move and 3D. Aw come on.. release the game already.

- It is reported that two key person from Infinity ward has resigned from the studio. They are in charge of the multiplayer and the story. Looks like Infinity ward is mere a shell company now.

- Apple's iPad reportedly has sold 300.000 units on the first day in US. Given the amount of over hype about this device, it come to no surprise.

- Microsoft lied about Natal presentation at E3.. according to David Cage. The ability to take picture and map it instantly into a game is possible, but not to the extend to what been demoed by Microsoft at E3. Well.. that's what I call marketing.

- Activision reportedly selling 2.5 million of stimulus package from Microsoft data. With current rate, we will see a $20 map pack with 5 old maps of Call of Duty 4..

- Pokemon Black and White announced for DS. Details has been scarce, so stay tuned to hear more about this mega franchise.

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  1. Black Ops? Sounds like a "story-centered" spin-off...

    Why what David Cage says doesn't surprise me???

    Pokemon... BLACK??? NICE!

  2. Hi Gezegond, long time no see. You haven't updated your blog as well?

  3. :-) I've been busy. I'll update it soon!
