Monday, May 24, 2010

The next challenge for Nintendo

How Nintendo separates itself from the rest of competition.

Many predicted Nintendo was finished during Gamecube era. Its market share was largely taken by Sony Playstation. After SEGA's Dreamcast raised a white flag to the console market and focused in developing games instead, many of us expects that Nintendo will soon follow.
The console market back then was really identical in terms of technology. It has the same set up, processing and graphics power are the only thing that truly separates them.

With Sony following old formula which worked wonder from them, PS3 is just an upgrade of power and graphics.  Nintendo then realized that they can no longer compete in terms of those stated above, move on and took innovation road with NDS and Wii.

The introduction of touch screen and motion controllers are truly innovative and set Nintendo separates itself from the rest of the competition. It was a risky strategy because Nintendo somehow abandon hardcore market and opt for bigger casual market, but in the end it was worth it.  

What's next for Nintendo?

Right now, Sony and Microsoft has realized that motion controllers does sell to the market and they are rushing their own version of motion controller with Playstation Move and Natal. And with Apple rapidly closing to the competition, Nintendo Console and Handheld market is once again threatened.

Wii and NDS sales has been going down months after months, and it might be a time that they have to introduce a successor for both of their console, in which they already announced 3DS for the next handheld platform.

Nintendo will have to continue to innovate because the others are catching up with the innovation that Wii and NDS had and they need it to do it quickly.

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  1. hmmm, I don't call touch screen "Innovation", it was implemented before in cellphones, and there were even touch games before Nintendo released NDS. I don't call "Motion Controllers innovation either, because it was already implemented on arcades. What Nintendo did was to create a hype for its consoles with the "revolution campaign". You should see Nintendo's ads in those times, nothing like how wii is played I can guarantee. As for their next consoles they're gonna have to create yet another hype.

    But the hype is currently with Natal and it's "you are the controller" campaign.

    But, to me, those are just ignorable policies. If I decide to buy a console, I'll look at it's hardware, it's capabilities, it's exclusive games, and then I decide what to buy. I don't care if no one else is buying it.

  2. True, but Nintendo is the first company to integrate touch screen and motion controller into console gaming. I think it revolutionized the gaming industry as a whole.

    Nintendo dare to step in to where other console makers didn't even care to think about it because it was not a proven business model and I really fond Nintendo for taking such step. They are basically sets the bar. Look at Playstation Move and Natal, the fact that they release motions controllers is like saying, "Ok Nintendo, you're right. My bad. Now I'm going to launch my own motion sensors."

  3. See, it's not like Nintendo "decided" to risk. Nintendo "had" to risk. They're completely different. I can assure you that if Nintendo could compete with Microsoft and SONY, they would never risk making motion-controllers.

    And I also hear this "Nintendo revolutionized the industry" thing a lot, it's not true. Since people still play their games the way they did before. high quality games all ignore motion control completely. So I can say that Nintendo did NOT revolutionize the industry. The just say they did.

    both PlayStation and XBOX controllers are based on 1990 SNES controller, and people have more fun playing with them than the gimmicky motion controllers. I have more fun playing with them than motion controllers, motion controllers are fun, but only for 15 minutes. play more and then they get annoying.

    However I agree with you with NDS, it was a truly awesome idea, and I believe that NDS has the best handheld controller ever. However it's low performance hardware and tiny screen made sure that you can't see real quality games on the console. The first time I saw NDS, I told myself: "wow, portable FPS and RTS!!!" but look at DS FPS games, even though they had the perfect controller, they all suck!

    I wish SONY would make PSP2 with DS touch-screen, and a hardware between PS2 and PS3. That would be the ultimate handheld console!!!

  4. Well true, I do have a Wii and I haven't played it since a year ago, the games really disappointing for a hardcore gamer like me.
    And yeah, should Nintendo came out a winner in the past console generation, they wouldn't change their winning formula, ie: not going into motion controllers path.

    Its just Nintendo found a different market aside hardcore that they can concentrate and make hefty profit, which is a spot on business decision. And also change the people perspective about console gaming. Though I admit, Wii is not for me hahahha
