Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why 3DS is a smart move for Nintendo

3DS is a smart move for Nintendo

Why? Apparently 3D is the next step in entertainment. 3D TVs are commercially rolling out and will continue to do so. Looking at the handheld market right now, Apple iPhone is the biggest threat for Nintendo, having better graphics and power, from technical point of view iPhone is more superior to NDS right now. Not mentioning the games are cheaper for iPhone compared to NDS. Sure, Nintendo has its first party library and quality games than Apple, but that is not stopping iPhone as a threat in the near future. 
However, with 3DS, Nintendo can again separates itself from Apple simply because iPhone unlikely will implement 3D screen into it anytime soon and Sony confirmed that the next PSP will not go down the 3D path.

But is it enough?

The million dollar question is, can 3D feature really be a reason for people to buy 3DS instead of other handheld? Is 3D such an important factor for fun? Or it will just be a gimmick later on? In fact Nintendo will provide an option to switch off 3D feature in the device, that allow you to play back to old 2D graphics.This most probably because of health reason and many people doesn't even like watching movie in 3D as it gives them headache after certain period.
But according to recent survey posted in Joystiq, the top reason for people to buy a new 3D TV is for none other than gaming. The jury is still out there whether 3D portable gaming can be successful. 

What should 3DS include? 

Other than features that current NDSi has (touch screen, wifi, cameras), what 3DS should also pack?
- More processing power. 3DS should pack more punch in terms of machine raw power.
- Hard disk. It is the one thing NDS lacking, and with today's digital age, hard disk is a necessary thing to have in a handheld.
- More open and robust system. True that Nintendo should stick to gaming because its what they do best, but Nintendo can try to open up the system so that developers can do non gaming application to the new handheld. 
- Flash enable. Apple is not permitting Flash application in their handheld. Casual and facebook games are getting more and more popular. If somehow Nintendo willing to let people play flash games in their device, it can be a massive plus point.
- Phone feature. One of the thing why iPhone gaming is successful because people carry it everywhere and the game is ready every time you want to play it. However I really doubt this will included in the system because it will increase a lot of the cost and Nintendo should keep the price as low as possible.
- Motion sensors. Recent rumor suggest that the new 3DS will be equipped with motion sensors for adding playing experience.
- 3G connection. In addition for Wifi, 3G connection will provided constant connectivity needed. 

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