Monday, June 28, 2010

Kinect is too lag for competitive gaming

Lag has been the main issue around Microsoft's no controller Kinect, and it is doubtful if Kinect capable in playing FPS. Turns out it is not. 
Microsoft 's director of platform marketing, Chris Penello more or less confirms it, and said that

Well, I don't want Halo on Kinect. I want Halo on a controller. Now would it be interesting to see what kind of game they could make using Kinect? Yeah, I would love to see what those guys could do, or what the Call of Duty guys could do. But I don't want to play Call of Duty 4, I want Call of Duty: Black Ops on the controller. 

In addition to that, Rare confirms that Kincent lag will be around 150 ms. That means from the time you do your body gesture, Kinect will roughly take 150 ms to process the data and translate it into the game. If you do online play, the number probably should be add 100 ms to communicate with online server. Hence the total amount of time required is 250 ms which is unacceptable.

I think it's wise to separate games that can be Kinected from games that don't. Not all games can be enjoyable with no controller. The success of Kinect will depend on how developer innovate with this thing. As a matter of fact, doing dancing, fitness, and party game won't cut it, they need to integrate it into hardcore gaming and that is a tough task for all developers. The unconfirmed but likely price of $150 a piece doesn't help either.
I begin to see why Nintendo and Sony ditch this technology. Probably it is too ahead its time for competitive gaming. But in the mean time, since it is already here, let's just wait and see. 

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